TEDxSahrdayaCET 2019

TEDxSahrdayaCET | SEP 28th | Book Now

available tickets:
Rs. 1200*

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Theme: “Things that matter”

A lot of things that matter in real life. What matters most” this question requires self-reflection and self-discovery. We are expected to examine the life we have lived and the choices we have made. Which is to say that what matters most to us may be revealed by our past actions and decisions. The answer can be concluded with one’s idea, belief, passion or philosophy. Extraordinary things can happen when ordinary people decide to take action. The most important things in life are the simple things which bring warmth and can be the cure for the most somber times of one’s life. TEDxSahrdayaCET 2019 open ups the little things that matter in real life.

sahrdaya college of engineering and technology, Thrissur